Traveling abroad can be an incredibly exciting experience: new cultures, new food, new beaches to relax on while sipping a cocktail. However, if you aren’t careful with your health, travel can also be a miserable ordeal. This is especially true if you’ll be visiting a developing country where sanitation standards might be lower than in […]
Malaria is one of the most common and deadly public health crises facing the world today. Infections are caused by the plasmodium parasite, which is transmitted between human hosts by blood-drinking mosquitos. While cases have declined dramatically over the past ten years, it is still a very real threat to travelers visiting Sub-Saharan Africa, along […]
In 1963, before scientists developed a measles vaccine, the CDC reported an average of 500,000 measles cases and up to 500 deaths annually in the U.S., primarily affecting children. As a result of a highly effective vaccination program, health authorities declared measles eliminated from the U.S. in 2000. In 2019, the number of measles cases […]
The trek to the lost city in Colombia is amazing but still a challenging jungle expedition. You will encounter a variety of conditions and terrain. I’ve compiled my list of top ten tips for packing and preparation. Bring the essentials and avoid needless extras. Remember, you have to carry it all on your back. Top […]
As part of World Immunization Week, we’re taking the time to recognize World Malaria Day, which highlights a global effort to prevent and eradicate malaria. Malaria is a serious and often life-threatening disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Malaria affects millions of people across the globe, mostly in countries in the tropical latitudes. The burden […]
Recognizing Flu Symptoms Fever, chills, and muscle aches, oh my! If you’re experiencing these symptoms, as well as a headache or a nonproductive cough, the flu bug may have bitten you! Continue reading for ways to avoid the flu while traveling this year. Understanding Influenza First, it’s important to note that while you may feel […]
Read our blog to learn about the travel health risks in Mexico; the most visited Latin American country and a top U.S. tourist destination.
In our last blog, we looked at strategies to prevent motion sickness. Fortunately, there are also various medications available which can help to prevent as well as treat symptoms. (Note: brand names listed are those that are available in the U.S.) Over the Counter (OTC) Medications for Motion Sickness Some OTC antihistamines are also commonly […]
If you travel a lot, you’ve no doubt felt the ill effects of air turbulence, while in a small boat in rough waters or trying to read in the back seat of a car. Motion sickness refers to the body’s normal physiological response to unusual perception of motion, whether real or apparent. Symptoms include dizziness, […]
Preparation for a Healthy Cruise If you read our last blog, your hands are washed and you’re all prepared to avoid Norovirus. Now here are some more tips for a healthy cruise on your next high seas adventure. Vaccinations Remember that when you book your cruise, you also sign a cruise ticket contract ensuring that […]