Travel Vaccines and Health Tips for Visiting Africa in 2024 (updated)

Travel Vaccines and Health Tips for Visiting Africa in 2024

If you’re thinking of visiting Africa in 2024, make sure you’re fully vaccinated and up-to-date on all the latest travel health advice. African countries can be hotspots for a variety of illnesses and diseases, so it’s important to take precautions before you go. Travel Vaccines and Health Tips for Visiting Africa in 2024 can help you stay safe and healthy during your trip.

Africa is the second largest continent and health risks in each country vary widely based on region, climate, proximity to the equator, season, and other factors. Overall, Africa has the highest risk in the world for tropical and vaccine preventable diseases and you need to consider the following vaccines prior to travel to Africa:

Travel Vaccines for Visiting Africa in 2024

These are the vaccines needed to travel to Africa as recommended by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Routine Vaccines for Africa

Make sure you are up to date with your routine vaccinations. Many diseases are more common in countries outside of the U.S. because of lower community vaccination rates. First, get your flu shot. Influenza is still the most common vaccine preventable disease in the world and international travel increases your risk of getting the flu.  You should also be up to date with the latest COVID-19 vaccine which decreases your chance of severe illness, hospitalization and death. A new COVID-19 vaccine formulation is expected to be released in the Fall of 2024.

Many travel destinations, including Africa are currently experiencing outbreaks of Measles and Pertussis, which are two of the most contagious diseases in the world.  Make sure you are up to date with your MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) and TdaP (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccines.

Hepatitis A vaccine

Africa has the highest incidence of Hepatitis A in the world. Hepatitis A is easily transmitted through contact with contaminated food or water. Fortunately, the Hepatitis A vaccine is extremely effective and provides lifetime immunity. Careful food and water precautions are also important to prevent Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis B vaccine

The African continent has the world’s highest incidence of Hepatitis B, which is transmitted through contact with blood products and bodily fluids. People at risk for contracting Hepatitis B include aid and refugee workers, adventure or extended stay travelers, or tattoo collectors, among others. You may also be at risk if you get sick or injured and need emergency medical care. Hepatitis B is preventable by completing a series of vaccines that provides lifetime immunity.

Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection that causes fever, headache, and diarrhea. It is endemic throughout most of Africa and can be deadly in up to 10% of cases. Typhoid is transmitted through contact with contaminated food or water and can be prevented with a typhoid vaccination as well as food and water precautions.

Do I need a yellow fever vaccine to visit Africa in 2024

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of two places in the world where yellow fever is endemic (the other is the Amazon basin in South America). Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. It causes severe headaches, fever, muscle pain, and vomiting and can be deadly in up to 50% of cases. There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, so vaccination is important prior to travel.

A yellow fever vaccine may also be required for entry to some countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. A yellow fever vaccination can only be obtained from a certified yellow fever vaccination center. Deciding whether or not you need a yellow fever vaccine can be complicated and can even depend on the order in which you visit certain countries.

Schedule a pre-travel health consultation with a travel health specialist to determine whether the yellow fever vaccine is required or recommended for your trip. Since 2016, a single yellow fever vaccination is considered to be valid for life as long as it is recorded in an official international certificate of vaccination.

Meningitis Vaccine for Travel to Africa

Meningitis is a serious bacterial disease that affects the brain and nervous system and can quickly cause death and disability. Meningitis is endemic (regularly occurs) in the “Meningitis Belt” of Sub- Saharan Africa. Meningitis is spread through close contact and is highest during the dry season of December to June. An effective vaccine to prevent meningitis is available from your travel clinic.

Cholera Outbreaks in Africa

Many countries in Africa are currently experiencing outbreaks of Cholera (read our current Travel Health Alert). This food and water-borne disease causes severe diarrhea and can quickly become life threatening. Cholera can be prevented by getting the cholera vaccine and practicing careful food and water precautions. Find out from your travel health specialist if your itinerary puts you at increased risk for Cholera.

Can I Get all My Africa Travel Vaccines at the Same Time?

During your pre-travel health consultation, we safely administer and discuss all travel vaccines and health tips for visiting Africa in 2024. It is always a good idea to book any follow-up booster shots during your visit so that you can achieve lifetime immunity and be prepared for your next globetrotting adventure. For more health tips and guidance specific to Africa, be sure to discuss your travel plans with us.

How Do I Avoid Getting Malaria in Africa?

Malaria is another important and preventable mosquito-borne disease that is common in Africa. The type of malaria most often found in the tropical regions of Africa is the most dangerous in the world and can be fatal if not treated.

The best ways to avoid contracting malaria are to follow insect bite precautions including using a DEET or Picaridin based insect repellent; pre-treating your clothing with permethrin; and taking a prescribed malaria prevention mediation. Several different malaria medications are available. During your pre-travel health consultation, your travel health provider can recommend the best one for you based on your itinerary and activities. An effective malaria vaccine is not widely available for travelers to Africa.

Other Important Health Tips for Visiting Africa in 2024

In addition to getting the recommended vaccines, here are some other important tips for travelers to Africa:

  • Drink only bottled or boiled water, and avoid ice in drinks.
  • Do not eat any raw fruits or vegetables unless you can peel them yourself.
  • Avoid dairy products, as they may not be pasteurized.
  • Stay safe and avoid rabies by avoiding contact with animals. Be especially cautious around dogs, monkeys and bats.
  • Bring a good quality insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants to protect against mosquito bites. Choose light colors that are less visible to insects and mosquitoes.
  • If you are going to be in remote areas, bring a medical kit with supplies like bandages, antibiotics, and pain medication.
  • Carry a copy of your medical history and immunization records with you in case you need medical care while abroad.
  • Make sure to have a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes evacuation in case of any medical emergencies. Read here to find out more about the importance of evacuation insurance.

Where To Get Travel Vaccines and Health Tips for Visiting Africa in 2024

It’s important to be fully vaccinated against all the diseases that are common in Africa. Specialty travel clinics have the most up-to-date information regarding your destination and will have the needed vaccines in stock.

If you’re looking for a reputable travel clinic that offers vaccines for Africa, contact TravelBug Health. We provide a one-stop-shop for all your travel health needs. During your pre-travel health consultation we can administer all necessary vaccines, provide insect bite prevention supplies, and dispense or prescribe antimalarials and other medications relevant to your itinerary. We are also a certified Yellow Fever travel vaccination center. Request an appointment today!